AVSI Polska Projects

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AVSI Polska Projects

Renewed Capacities: Impact and Innovation.


AVSI Polska is actively engaged in implementing projects aimed at strengthening individual and collective capacities in Poland, with the goal of promoting social, economic, and cultural development.

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Centre for the Integration of Foreigners Partners in Łowicz


Project: Centre for the Integration of Foreigners Partners in Łowicz

See the project page

Project no: FELD.07.07-IP.01-0076/24

Leader: AVSI Polska

Partner: Partners Sp. z o.o.

Implementation period: 01.10.2024 – 31.03.2026

Project value: PLN 1,818,384.00

EU funding: PLN 1,545,626.40

Financing from the state budget: PLN 171,957.60

Own contribution: PLN 100,800.00


Project information:

The project aims to increase the social and professional integration of third-country nationals residing in the Łowicz district.

The target group of the project are foreigners: single parents with children and families who came to Polish due to the war in Ukraine and other foreigners from outside the EU (e.g. citizens of the Philippines, Nepal, India) coming to look for work.

The planned number of project participants is 400 people, including 320 women; 360 adults and 40 children.

The activities provided for in the project are:

– launching a permanent information point of the Centre for the Integration of Foreigners in the Partners facility in Łowicz at 1/3 Iłowska Street, where intercultural advisors will be at the disposal of beneficiaries 5 days a week, providing them – in their language – with information needed to find themselves in the new reality; the point will be on duty with an interpreter, lawyer, psychologist, career counsellor, child psychologist, speech therapist,

– individual meetings of beneficiaries with a career counsellor, who will develop an Individual Action Plan for the acquisition of skills and further career path,

– adaptation workshops in the field of labor law and active forms of job search,

– a course for people considering starting their own business,

– Polish language courses at A1-B1 level in groups of up to 10 people,

– a program of recreational and integration events: monthly meetings and exchange of experiences, a concert of songs from different parts of the world,

– a program supporting the integration of children and young people foreigners with their Polish peers: integration meetings “Let’s get to know each other through play”, group trips to interesting places, compensatory classes in various school subjects,

– a conference for representatives of organizations and companies from the district in order to exchange experiences related to the employment of foreigners,

– all-day care in the club for 20 children aged 2-6 with food,

#FunduszeUE #FunduszeEuropejskie


Ster na cel (Helm on Target)


Project: Ster na cel (Helm on Target)

(Project completed)

Training and advisory support programme for entrepreneurs who restart their business.

Project objectives

The main objective of the project is to increase the adaptability of at least 270 entrepreneurs restarting their business by the end of 2022.

Specific objectives: to analyze reasons for business failures incurred earlier by the participants and to draw conclusions from them for new ventures, as well as to complement the identified deficiencies of competences and skills needed by entrepreneurs in current activities.

Planned effects

Participation in the project will enable the participants to analyze reasons for failures in previously conducted business activity, to recognize competence gaps and to compensate for them through training and counseling. It will increase chances to succeed in new activity, which will potentially improve social and economic situation of participants and their environment: families, employees, contractors.

The implementation of the project will have a lasting effect on changing the perception of second chance entrepreneurs, who thanks to learning from previous experiences and professional training and counselling support will become examples of success stories and will break the stigma of failure that weighs down on them.

The dissemination of such positive examples will encourage other people in a similar situation to make another, better prepared attempt in business.


The project is addressed to entrepreneurs meeting the following conditions:

  • are micro, small or medium entrepreneurs, restarting their business activity, who within 24 months before the date of accession to the project ceased their business activity and then within 6 months before the date of accession to the project restarted their business activity in the form of sole proprietorship or as partners of a commercial law company,
  • meet conditions enabling them to receive de minimis aid or public aid.

The participants of the project may be entrepreneurs meeting the above-mentioned conditions or their employees. Participants do not bear any costs in connection with the participation in the project (own contribution is not required).

Forms of support: training courses and post-training consultancy.

Budget: PLN 4,450,730

Funder: PARP, Programme POWER, Measure 2.21

Location: Whole Poland

Partner: AVSI Polska (leader), LOS Lublin (partner)

Realisation period: 01.2020 – 12.2022


2REVIVE Revival entrepreneurship through second chance

Project: 2REVIVE Revival entrepreneurship through second chance

(Project completed)


General objectives

Supporting the development of second-chance entrepreneurship attitude and self-confidence, -awareness and -efficacy in second-time entrepreneurs with guiding and mentoring relationships and thus restart their business successfully.

Specific objectives
  • Encourage individuals to learn from their past experience by providing them with the right tools for understanding reasons behind their failure, their entrepreneurial potential and attitude;
  • Support ex-entrepreneurs in develop the skills and motivation for entrepreneurial activity – practical guide with detailed information on regulations and laws and educational resources of “second chance”, instructions and checklists will help them rebuild business;
  • Provide successful entrepreneurs, owners of SMEs, VET teachers, trainers and mentors with a step by step mentoring plan and to guidelines on effectively pass their knowledge to mentees;
  • Enhance the cooperation and networking among entrepreneurs, enterprises, vocational and education institutions.
Target groups
  • Second-time entrepreneurs
  • Successful entrepreneurs and SME owners
  • Continuing VET providers including C-VET trainers, teachers and mentors, centres and independent individuals offering VET services.

Budget: EUR 264,547

Funders:  FRSE, Erasmus+, KA2 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices of European Commission

Project consortium: 7 partners from Poland, Bulgaria, Italy, the Netherlands, Croatia and Malta, AVSI Poland was the coordinator.Implementation period: 01.2018-12.2019.


JobAssist – Better Employment Competences through Individualized e-training

Project: JobAssist – Better Employment Competences through Individualized e-training

(Project completed)


The main objective of the project is to provide an integrated training tool to support unemployed people in the context of the global economic crisis (especially unemployed people who are less than 25 years old or more than 45 years old):

  • to develop innovative training tools to increase motivation and self-awareness;
  • creation of a motivational system to acquire competences required in the labour market;
  • increase of professional qualifications;
  • support for the employment of job seekers.

JobAssist, as a tool to facilitate the transfer of skills and qualifications to new jobs, helps to reduce the gap between individual skills and the competences needed on the labour market and contributes to improve the coherence between lifelong learning and employment.

Budget: EUR 295,629

Funder:  FRSE, Leonardo Live Long Learning Programme, Transfer of Innovation

Beneficiaries: unemployed people

Partners: organisations from different European countries: Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, Italy and Iceland

Implementation period: 01.2014-12.2015


Youth Career Initiative

Project: Youth Career Initiative

(Project completed)


The Youth Career Initiative (YCI) is a six-month educational programme that teaches disadvantaged young people how to make informed career choices and equips them with the skills to find work. It is a tool to combat or prevent problems such as youth unemployment, social exclusion, poverty, and youth exploitation.

YCI is made possible by the unique collaboration of the international hotel industry: Four Seasons, InterContinental, Hyatt, Marriott, Orient Express and Starwood.

Candidates aged 18-25 who have completed at least junior high school, can commit full-time and are at risk of social exclusion are eligible for the programme. Each programme includes more than 750 training hours, combining theoretical and practical activities, including mentoring in life and at work. Monitoring of YCI graduates shows that 47 per cent find employment in the hospitality industry, 26 per cent are employed in other industries or are self-employed and 12 per cent continue their education.  The graduates’ gaining of decent, legal employment is, of course, not without impact on their family’s standard of living, while at the same time showing a path forward to their friends and schoolmates: inspiring them to complete their education and participate in the programme.

Budget: EUR 200,000

Beneficiaries: young job seekers

Place: Region of Mazovia

Implementation period: 2016-2017


Strengthening our capacities

Project: Strengthening our capacities

(Project completed)


Activities: A programme of specialised activities to equalise the educational opportunities of 79 pupils from two schools in rural areas in the Municipality of Halinów, through supportive, didactic-equalizing classes and specialised therapy.

As part of the programme, students were covered by various therapies and classes aimed at supporting their development, strengthening their motivation to learn, levelling educational opportunities, reducing deficits which make it difficult to learn and function in social situations, developing interests and talents, teaching social skills, as well as making them sensitive to the problems of their peers.

Budget: PLN 500,000

Funder: MJWPU, POKL Measure 9.2.1

Partners: Halinów Municipality, Primary School in Cisie and Primary School in Brzeziny

Implementation period: 2013-2014


Your own business

Project: Your own business

(Project completed)


Scope: consulting, training and financial support for 48 people who want to start their own business

Budget: PLN 2,146,729

Funder: MJWPU, POKL Measure 6.2

Location: Region of Mazovia

Implementation period: 2011-2013


Unleash the potential

Project: Unleash the potential

(Project completed)


Activities: Programme of specialised activities to equalise educational opportunities for pupils of three schools with integration branches in Praga Południe

Budget: PLN 2,500,000

Funder: MJWPU, POKL Measure 9.2.1

Partner: Municipality of the Capital City of Warsaw – Praga Południe District Office

Implementation period: 2011-2013


Professional and efficient

Project: Professional and efficient

(Project completed)


Activities: consultancy and training for SME employees in Mazovia

Budget: 497,000 PLN

Funder: MJWPU, POKL Measure 8.1.1

Location: Region of Mazovia

Implementation period: 2011-2013


Train to knowledge

Project: Train to knowledge

(Project completed)


Activities: Comprehensive programme for improvement of qualifications of employees in companies from the micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector in the Mazowieckie voivodeship
Budget: PLN 640,000

Funder: MJWPU, POKL Submeasure 8.1.1

Location: Region of Mazovia

Implementation period: 2011-2012


Competence development of employees and managers of INDESIT Company

Project: Competence development of employees and managers of INDESIT Company

(Project completed)


Activities: Specialized training for INDESIT employees at the factories in Łódź and Radomsko

Budget: PLN 750,000

Funder: WUP in Łódź, POKL Measure 8.1.1

Location: Region of Łódź

Partner: Indesit Company Poland Implementation period: 2011-2012


Mum returns to work

Project: Mum returns to work

(Project completed)


Activities: Psychological and vocational counselling, workshops, general and specific training for unemployed mothers

Budget: PLN 647,000

Funder: MJWPU, POKL Submeasure 7.2.1

Location: Region of Mazovia

Implementation period: 2008-2009


Laboratory of Work

Project: Laboratory of Work

(Project completed)


Activities: strengthening the structures and powers of labour market institutions of the Eastern Mazovia

Budget: PLN 2,500,000

Funder: MPiPS, SPO RZL Measure 1.1.

Location: Region of Mazovia

Partner: CORE sp. z o.o.

Implementation period: 2007-2008


Tourism as a source of employment

Project: Tourism as a source of employment

(Project completed)


Activities: vocational training for farmers in the voivodship of Podkarpackie

Budget: 642,000 PLN

Funder: ZPORR Measure 2.3

Location: Region of Podkarpackie

Partner: Regional Chamber of Commerce of Sanok

Implementation period: 2007-2008


TOP 50: talent proved after 50

Project: TOP 50: talent proved after 50

(Project completed)


Activities: advice, training and financial support to women “over 50” who want to start their own business activity

Budget: EUR 216,000

Funder: Phare 2003 – over 50

Location: Łódź

Partners: Foundation Gajusz

Implementation period: 2007


Working for Europe

Project: Working for Europe

(Project completed)


Activities: specialized course in European project planning

Budget: EUR 85,600

Funder: EU, Phare 2003

Location: Kraków

Partners: Association “Labor”

Implementation period: 2005


Reporting and managing projects for NGOs

Project: Reporting and managing projects for NGOs

(Project completed)


Activities: training course designed for NGOs

Budget: PLN 116,000

Funder: FIO Fund (Ministry for Social Policy)

Location: Krakow

Partner: YMKA

Implementation period: 2005


Together 2 – squared Together

Project: Together 2 – squared Together

(Project completed)

Activities: integration of children with mind disabilities between the Center for Educational Łbiska and the local community of Piaseczno
Budget: PLN 112,000

Funder: FIO Fund (Ministry for Social Policy)

Location: Piaseczno (Warsaw)

Partners: Poviat Piaseczno + Łbiska Center

Implementation period: 2005


Your own home

Project: Your own home

(Project completed)


Activities: organization and implementation of a shelter for unemployed mothers infected by HIV, and their children, social care and treatment, vocational training

Budget: EUR 200,970

Funder: EU (Phare ACCESS)

Target group: women with AIDS and their children, social workers

Implementation period: 2002-2003


Therapeutic center for families infected with HIV or with problems of drug abuse

Project: Therapeutic center for families infected with HIV or with problems of drug abuse

(Project completed)


Activities: training and support for families, volunteers, for doctors, journalists and managers, publication of a handbook for families with members suffering from AIDS or drug addicts

Budget: EUR 158,600

Funder: EU (Phare LIEN)

Beneficiaries: families, volunteers, doctors, journalists, managers

Implementation period: 2001-2002


ECHO 1 and ECHO 2

Project: ECHO 1 and ECHO 2

(Project completed)


Activities: purchase and distribution of material and equipment for reconstruction of buildings damaged by the flooding, reconstruction and equipping of primary school and kindergarten, rebuilding the city water system.

Budget: 916,000 EUR

Funder: EU Fund (ECHO)

Beneficiaries: families, individuals, authorities and local areas

Implementation period: 1997-1998


Tuscany for Małopolska

Project: Tuscany for Małopolska

(Project completed)


Activities: purchase and distribution of goods, equipment and building materials for the victims of flooding in the region of Małopolska

Budget: EUR 40,000

Funder: Tuscany Region

Beneficiaries: families, individuals, authorities, and local areas flooded

Implementation period: 1997


Information Center on HIV

Project: Information Center on HIV

(Project completed)


Activities: creation of a Center for Information and Documentation on HIV; courses for educators and social workers, support for AIDS patients

Budget: EUR 200,000

Funder: EU (Phare LIEN)

Beneficiaries: social workers, authorities and AIDS patients

Implementation period: 1995-1997